Scholarships for Accounting Students

Types of Accounting Degrees

The cost of an accounting program usually depends on the degree or certification a graduate earns, and the type of career it may lead to. Tuition for certificate or associate degree programs will generally be less expensive than those at the graduate-level. Below are the types of accounting degrees offered by most colleges and universities, along with some of the careers commonly chosen by program graduates.

Coursework in a certificate program introduces the fundamental financial principles and practices, such as cost analysis, managing account books, and budgeting, typically required for entry-level positions in the field.
  • Bookkeeper
  • Accounting Clerk
Associate Degree
Along with industry basics, students learn how federal and state regulations affect everyday accounting practices. Computer coursework develops proficiency in programs commonly used for budgeting, payroll, and tax documentation.
  • Accounting Assistant
  • Payroll Clerk
  • Tax Preparer
Bachelor's Degree
Most undergraduate-level accounting program prepare students for their Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. Many also offer academic concentrations like forensic accounting and tax auditing.
  • CPA
  • Bookkeeper
  • Cost Accountant
  • Auditor
Master’s Degree
In addition to CPA course material, graduate coursework covers more specialized topics, such as fraud detection and corporate accounting, and advanced material intended for those seeking higher-level positions in finance.
  • Actuary
  • Budget Analyst
  • Revenue Agent
  • Treasurer
Doctorate Degree
PhD candidates spend a great deal of time developing a thesis, performing research, and preparing a dissertation. Research is usually focused on one core topic related to accounting.
  • Professor
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Internal Auditor

How Much Does an Accounting Degree Cost?

From the type of program to an individual school, there are numerous factors that can influence the overall cost of getting an accounting degree. Are you seeking a traditional college experience on campus, or would you rather speed up the pace with an accelerated online program? Many distance learning programs can be completed quickly, saving money as well as time. However, online courses are frequently offered through for-profit institutions, which can be pricier than their nonprofit counterparts.

Whether a school is public or private also affects its cost. Public schools, which are typically nonprofit, receive government subsidies that allow them to offer low in-state tuition rates. Because private schools rely exclusively on tuition funds and donations to operate, they’re significantly more expensive to attend.

Financing Your Accounting Degree

When it comes to paying for college, you have plenty of options. Completing a FAFSA form can help narrow them down by determining if you qualify for federal financial aid through scholarships, grants, and loans. Some students take out additional private loans to cover costs, but federal loans offer much better repayment terms and lower interest rates. If you’re looking for economical ways to finance your accounting degree, scholarships and grants should be at the top of your list.

Unlike most types of financial aid, scholarships and grants don’t need to be repaid. It’s like free money! You can apply to as many as you like, and you’re not limited to accounting scholarships — there are awards for nearly everything you can think of. You may be eligible for certain awards based on your personal, financial, or academic background, state of residence, your hobbies, or scholarships exclusively for accounting majors.

Types of Scholarships

If finding scholarships for accounting majors sounds like a difficult task, fear not! No matter your background, major, interests, or skills, there’s a scholarship out there for you. While some are based on financial need, others are awarded based on exceptional academic, athletic, or artistic performance. Many are open to students who pursue a particular career path or field of study. Below, we’ll look at the most common types of college scholarships.

Academic Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement through grades, standardized test scores, or a combination of both. They may be general or subject-specific, like accounting scholarships.

Athletic Scholarships

Awarded to individuals who excel in sports, athletic scholarships cover all or part of a school athlete’s tuition.

Scholarships for Minorities

While eligibility criteria can vary a great deal, these scholarships are granted to individuals who identify as members of a racial, ethnic, or religious minority, LGBT, disabled, or economically disadvantaged.

Creative Scholarships

Often awarded through competitions, creative scholarships reward quality and originality in the fine and performing arts, creative writing, and graphic design. Most have additional academic requirements for eligibility.

Niche Scholarships

Niche scholarships are offered to segments of the population with highly specific interests, skills, or career goals; often by foundations or private companies. Accounting scholarships are counted among them!

Community Service Scholarships

Students who volunteer or demonstrate exceptional civic engagement may qualify for community service scholarships. These grants reward individuals who work for positive change in their community and the natural environment.

Leadership Scholarships

These scholarships are granted to students who have shown leadership potential through entrepreneurship, political engagement, military membership, or many other scenarios that call for skill and strength.

Accounting Scholarships

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